速報APP / 個人化 / Lucid - DayDream Screensaver

Lucid - DayDream Screensaver





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Thomas Hoffmann Schwanhäußerstr. 5 90408 Nürnberg

Lucid - DayDream Screensaver(圖1)-速報App

On the free version, the modules will stop after 30 mins of continuous usage!

Full version is available through an in-app purchase for only 0.99 EUR / 1.49 USD

Lucid automatically starts when you put your device in the dock or when you charge it. The app is very customizable and comes with a lot of functionallity, like:

Clock: Show the current time & date and can also show...

Lucid - DayDream Screensaver(圖2)-速報App

... battery level

... weather

... unread GMails

... new SMS texts

Lucid - DayDream Screensaver(圖3)-速報App

... missed calls

... next alarm

... many more information from most DashClock extensions

RSS view: flips through new events from your RSS feeds

Lucid - DayDream Screensaver(圖4)-速報App

Slideshow view: start a slideshow with images from your device

On Android 4.2+ you need to enable the "DayDream" in the Android display settings to use & configure the app! Note that the system won't start the daydream if you're display is kept awake! Make sure to disable the "Keep awake while charging" option in the Android developer settings (if you have enabled that before). On Samsung devices, make sure to disable the "keep display on while eye contact is detected" option (or how they call that)

You can use the identifiers here http://developer.android.com/reference/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html to change the time and date format


Lucid - DayDream Screensaver(圖5)-速報App


This app uses the Device Administrator permission. The app has a feature to automatically lock the device, when the daydream starts. It asks for "device administrator" permission, if you want to use this feature.

ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION - show weather information

ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE & INTERNET - downloading RSS feed/weather/slideshow images

Lucid - DayDream Screensaver(圖6)-速報App

CAMERA - turn camera flashlight on

GET_ACCOUNTS & USE_CREDENTIALS - load RSS feeds from Google account

READ_CALENDAR - display upcoming events

READ_CALL_LOG & READ_CONTACTS & READ_PHONE_STATE - show number of missed calls

Lucid - DayDream Screensaver(圖7)-速報App

READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - load custom fonts

READ_SMS & RECEIVE_SMS - display unread SMS count


Lucid - DayDream Screensaver(圖8)-速報App